JUST IN! This Bitcoin Exchange Was Attacked by a Hacker! Are Funds Safe?


JUST IN! This Bitcoin Exchange Was Attacked by a Hacker! Are Funds Safe?

Huobi exchange, which recently changed its name to HTX, announced that it has been subjected to a new attack.

Tron founder Justin Sun, who works as an advisor to the exchange, announced that the exchange and the Heco cross-chain bridge were attacked by hackers.

Regarding the attack, which apparently affected HTX’s hot wallets, Justin Sun said, “HTX will fully compensate for the hot wallet losses.”

HTX deposits and withdrawals were suspended for a short time. Sun stated that all funds in HTX are safe.

It is not yet known how much damage the attack caused. There was no serious loss of value in the HT token after the news.

JUST IN! This Bitcoin Exchange Was Attacked by a Hacker! Are Funds Safe?

The news will be updated when we get more details.


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