Binance Refutes Reports on Highly Sensitive Data on GitHub, Marks It Outdated


Binance Refutes Reports on Highly Sensitive Data on GitHub, Marks It Outdated

In a recent development in the crypto sphere, 404 Media claimed that Binance’s “highly sensitive” cache of code had been exposed on GitHub for months. However, Binance refuted the claims, arguing that the codes were outdated and posed “negligible risk.”

404 Media reported on January 31 that the platform has learned about a set of sensitive “cache of code, infrastructure diagrams, internal passwords, and other technical information belonging to cryptocurrency giant Binance,” exposed on the publicly accessible GitHub repository. Pointing out the vulnerability of the data, the report stated,

Although there is no public evidence this data was accessed or used by malicious parties, the cache contained a wealth of information that could be useful to hackers looking to compromise Binance’s systems.

Further, the report highlighted that Binance requested GitHub to clear the files on January 24, positing that the information carried a “significant risk.” According to the report, Binance also alleged that GitHub posted the data “without authorization.” The report posted a section of the takedown request that quoted,

This account is using our client’s internal code which poses a significant risk to Binance and causes severe financial harm to Binance and user’s confusion/harm.

Nonetheless, in a recent revelation, Binance dismissed 404 Media’s statements and added that the data in question is “very outdated.” In addition, the platform stated that the security team handling the issue confirmed that the information posed very little threat to Binance users, assets, or the platform itself. Being outdated, the information will be useless for a third party or a hacker, asserted Binance.

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