Are Data Leaks the New Norm or Is There Anything You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk?


Are Data Leaks the New Norm or Is There Anything You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk?

Data breaches and leaks are growing more prevalent, raising questions about whether they may become the new normal in the world of cybersecurity. Because of the rapid growth of technology, fraudsters now have more opportunity to exploit weaknesses and get illegal access to critical information.

However, while data leaks are common, there are proactive activities that individuals and organizations may do to limit their risk.

Data Breach Proliferation

Data leaks, often known as data breaches, occur when sensitive information is accessed, exposed, or stolen without authorization. Personal information, financial records, intellectual property, and other sorts of data can all be compromised in these breaches. Data breaches have increased in both frequency and severity over the last decade.

The increased digitization of information is one factor for the increase in data leaks. As businesses and consumers increasingly rely on digital platforms and cloud storage, the amount of data available online has grown tremendously. Because of the digital transition, fraudsters now have additional opportunity to exploit weaknesses and obtain illegal access to data.

The Most Common Sources of Data Leaks

Data leaks are caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Cyberattacks: Advanced cyberattacks, such as ransomware and phishing, are a major source of data breaches. In order to enter systems, steal passwords, and get access to sensitive data, attackers employ a variety of techniques.
  • Human Error: Many data breaches are the result of unintended activities by staff or individuals. This includes disclosing personal information by accident, falling prey to phishing scams, and misconfiguring security settings.
  • Inadequate cybersecurity measures, such as weak passwords, obsolete software, and inadequate encryption, create vulnerabilities that fraudsters can exploit.
  • Third-Party Vulnerabilities: Companies frequently share information with third-party vendors and partners. If these businesses have lax security practices, critical information may be exposed to potential breaches.

Is it the new normal or a manageable risk?

While the incidence of data breaches may indicate a troubling trend, it is critical to consider this issue in the perspective of cybersecurity. Because of the potential for financial and reputational harm, data breaches have received a lot of attention. As a result, businesses and people are taking a more proactive approach to managing cybersecurity concerns.

To limit the effects of data breaches, effective cybersecurity procedures, threat detection technology, and incident response strategies have evolved. Furthermore, regulatory organizations around the world have enacted rigorous data protection rules, such as Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the United States’ California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These regulations place legal requirements on corporations to protect personal data and swiftly report breaches.

Reduce Your Data Leakage Risk

While data leaks remain a worry, individuals and organizations can take practical steps to limit their risk:

  • Educate and train employees and individuals: Invest in cybersecurity training and awareness campaigns. Teach them to spot phishing efforts, use strong passwords, and adhere to data security best practices.
  • Implement Strong Authentication: Wherever practical, enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA increases security by forcing users to submit several forms of identity before gaining access to systems or data.
  • Update Software on a Regular Basis: Keep all software, including operating systems, antivirus programs, and apps, up to date. Security patches that correct known vulnerabilities are frequently included in software updates.
  • Encrypt Sensitive Data: Encrypt sensitive data while it is in transit as well as at rest. Data is encrypted when it is converted into a format that is unreadable without the necessary decryption key.
  • Monitor Network Activity: Monitor network activity for suspicious behavior using intrusion detection systems and security information and event management (SIEM) solutions. Any irregularities should be investigated as soon as possible.
  • Backup Data: Back up vital data on a regular basis to safe and off-site locations. In the event of a ransomware attack or data breach, this assures that data may be restored.
  • Implement Least Privilege Access: Limit access to data and systems to only those who need it for their jobs. To reduce the potential damage caused by insider threats, follow the principle of least privilege.
  • Conduct Security Audits: Assess and audit your organization’s cybersecurity posture on a regular basis. Identify weaknesses and take corrective action as soon as possible.
  • Develop and maintain an incident response strategy that specifies how your firm will respond to a data breach on a regular basis. This plan should include communication tactics, containment measures, and notification procedures for affected parties and regulatory agencies.

Cybersecurity Professionals’ Role

Cybersecurity is a dynamic and evolving subject, and as data leaks continue to be a problem, there is a greater need for cybersecurity specialists. Experts are increasingly being hired by organizations to design and implement comprehensive security measures, conduct penetration testing, and handle incident response.

Cybersecurity specialists are crucial in assisting firms in staying ahead of cyber threats. They are responsible for identifying vulnerabilities, monitoring for harmful activity, and developing measures to protect sensitive data. Their experience is critical in lowering the risk of data breaches in this ever-changing landscape.

EU Cybersecurity Experts Advocate Revising Vulnerability Disclosure Rules Amid Concerns

Following the latest Microsoft data leak, cybersecurity experts have issued an open letter urging EU policymakers to reconsider a crucial aspect of the Cyber Resilience Act pertaining to vulnerability disclosure requirements.

The European Commission introduced the CRA in September 2022 to establish cybersecurity standards, including mandatory security patches and vulnerability handling for Internet of Things devices capable of data collection and sharing.

Under the proposed Act, organizations would be mandated to report software vulnerabilities to government agencies within 24 hours of their discovery. However, cybersecurity experts argue that such disclosures could have detrimental effects on digital product security and users. Signatories of the letter, including Ciaran Martin, professor and former head of the UK National Cyber Security Centre, emphasized that while the CRA is essential for improving European cybersecurity, the vulnerability disclosure provision requires reevaluation.

The experts expressed concerns that EU leaders may have misunderstood the information flow required to address vulnerabilities effectively. They cautioned that governments, not being the best-equipped entities to develop vulnerability fixes, should not compel organizations to disclose vulnerabilities before affected vendors can create and test patches. Moreover, they raised concerns about government access to real-time databases of unpatched vulnerabilities, which could become targets for malicious actors.

The experts also warned against risks like misuse of databases for surveillance purposes and the discouragement of researchers from reporting vulnerabilities. They suggested that governments should adhere to international standards for vulnerability handling processes set by the International Standardization Organization.


While data breaches have become more common in today’s digital landscape, they are not an unavoidable occurrence. Individuals and businesses can greatly lower their risk of data breaches by combining proactive measures, cybersecurity knowledge, and technology investment. The idea is to think of cybersecurity as a continuous activity.


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