Stellar’s Foundation Supports Delay of Smart-Contracts Upgrade After Bug Found


Stellar's Foundation Supports Delay of Smart-Contracts Upgrade After Bug Found

The Stellar blockchain could be facing a delay of its much anticipated upgrade to add Ethereum-style smart contracts, after a bug was found that prompted developers and validators behind the project to reconsider the Jan. 30 target date.

The Stellar Development Foundation, which supports the blockchain’s ecosystem, found a bug on Jan. 25 in the Stellar Core v20.1.0 software, according to a draft blog post shared with CoinDesk on Saturday. The bug could theoretically affect applications and services on the new “Soroban” smart-contracts transactions once the upgrade goes through.

SDF officials “decided that the bug posed little risk given the phased rollout plan,” but after “robust feedback” from the developer community, the foundation is now planning to “disarm” its own validators to prevent them from voting to upgrade the network on Jan. 30, according to the post.

Other validators could still choose to push ahead with the “Protocol 20” upgrade, according to the post.

Whatever the case, a fix for the bug should be available within the next two weeks, and if the upgrade ends up getting postponed, the foundation would then “coordinate to determine a future vote date.”

Stellar is one of the oldest blockchains, created as a fork of the Ripple protocol in 2014, and the project is upgrading to add the programmability that Ethereum and its “smart contracts” are known for. Traders may be speculating whether the facelift could put fresh energy into the project’s native XLM tokens.


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