Binance Now Empowers XIRTAM Victims To Reclaim Stolen Crypto


Binance Now Empowers XIRTAM Victims To Reclaim Stolen Crypto

On May 3, the XIRTAM project, a reputation-building platform promoting decentralized and anonymous interactions, suffered a significant blow when its operators executed a rugpull scheme.

Instead of the typical tactic of using crypto-mixing services to obfuscate the stolen funds, the culprits directly deposited the ill-gotten gains on Binance.

Upon discovering this breach, exasperated users sought assistance from Binance, prompting the exchange to respond promptly.

In a statement, Binance assured affected users of their commitment to resolving the issue and their cooperation with law enforcement agencies for a thorough investigation.

As of July 3, the exchange has announced a redemption program, allowing victims to apply for asset returns. Eligible users need to submit relevant information through a dedicated form before August 2, 2023.

Once accounts are verified, the Binance security team will facilitate the return of the corresponding ETH assets using a secure smart contract address.

The rugpull incident underscored the risks associated with decentralized platforms, where trust is built through reputation rather than conventional KYC processes.

It serves as a cautionary tale for users participating in such ecosystems to remain vigilant and cautious, as anonymity can sometimes lead to vulnerabilities.

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